e-commerce / online shop | faqs | photo gallery | events calendar | bulk mailing | data sheet | links |
scrolling announcement | specials & promotions | newsletters / blog | directory module |
online forms | documents & brochures | advertising space | member login area | hovering sidebars |
QR-code | SMS shortcode | industry specific modules | 3 level products groups
A professionally designed website is an invaluable tool to provide others with information. It has become as important as having a business card or phone number. However, a website provides 24 hour, 7 day a week, 365 days a year advertising and accessibility! Even when your business' doors are closed, your website is out there, marketing your products and services!
More than 4,5 million people in South Africa alone use the internet on a daily basis and choose to use the internet to search for products and services rather than browsing through the yellow pages, newspaper or the like.
So, where is yours?
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